New Root Zones in AquaCheckWEB
A new module is added to AquaCheckWEB which allows the soil profile to be devided into more than one Root Zone.
The soil profile can now be devided into any number between 1 and 6 zones. Each zone can now have it’s own URAW and LRAW.
How to do this:
To adjust the Root Zones you will need Agronomist or Dealer access to the AquaCheckWEB system.
Existing PROFILES on AquaCheckWEB will automatically be assigned to 1 zone.
More zones may be added to existing PROFILES.
- Inside the PROFILE Edit window, go to Root Zones
- Select the number of Zone on the dropdown box
- Be sure to keep the Zone Depths in sequence with the shallow zone at the top and the deepest zone at the bottom. The system will automatically calculate the zone depth between two layers defined.
- Select each Zone Depth by clicking once on the zone to open the Edit Root Zone window
- On the right, select the maximum depth to which this zone will be.
- If the URAW and LRAW values are know, it may be adjusted here. You can also adjust the values later on the graphing page.
- The URAW and LRAW for the total Soil Profile will now be automatically calculated based on the values given for each Root Zone.
- The URAW and LRAW for each layer can be adjusted at the RootZones box on the left or in the right bottom corner of each Root Zone graph.
- Each Root Zone will now contribute towards the Summary Graph’s URAW and LRAW.