Weather Forecast on AquaCheckWEB
A weather forecast based on location coordinates is available on AquaCheckWEB.
This weather forecast will allow you to have a quick glance at the weather forecasted for your farm location for the next 7 days.
Where do I find this:
The weather forecast is available on the Home page on
The homepage will look like this.
Change your weather forecast location coordinates:
The location coordinates for the weather forecast is associated with the location info of any or the PROFILES set on your account.
Follow these steps to change the location of the Weather Forecast.
- Select a PROFILE on the main navigation drop down list and click on the yellow pencil icon.
- Below the Google Map on the left-hand-side of the page, click on the ''Set As Default Weather Forecast''.
3. The system will now use this PROFILE location to be your default Weather Forecast Location.
4. [To change the location of the PROFILE, use the Change Location button].
5. Please note that special characters in the PROFILE name like %$#@& etc. are not allowed.
6. Click Save and refresh the Home Page.
7. The Weather Forecast will now show the name of your default forecast location.
8. For more detailed forecast information click on More at Dark Sky