
End of Life Notification: CropGraph Software (20/05/2021)


Dear valued client,

This letter serves as formal notification of the “End of Life” (EOL) announced on the CropGraph software with immediate effect - 20/05/2021.


The CropGraph software has been a valued product for more than 15 years. This EOL announcement is made as part of our ongoing product lifecycle management process. Advances in computer technologies and increased basic computer securities make it difficult and, to a certain extend, impossible to continue any support on the CropGraph software.


This EOL announcement includes creating any ProductKeys for new installations or installations on alternative computers, technical support, and agronomy support.


As a replacement, AquaCheck has the online AquaCheckWEB software available. If you are interested in switching from CropGraph to AquaCheckWEB, we can assist you in transferring your old data onto the new AquaCheckWEB system. (Please note that AquaCheckWEB is a subscription service)


If you have any questions concerning this EOL of CropGraph, please contact your local distributor or contact us at

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