
End of Life Notification: CSV export over FTP (25/10/2022)

This letter serves as formal notice of the “End of Life” (EOL) announced on the CSV over FTP export functionality in AquaCheckWEB software with immediate effect (25/10/2022). for all new profiles.


Existing users with operational CSV over FTP profiles will be allowed to continue using this service until 28/02/2023.


This EOL announcement is part of our ongoing product lifecycle management process. Advances in IT securities make it difficult to maintain this service.


AquaCheckWEB has a free API call service available to users as a replacement. The API call service is a free add-on to any paid AquaCheckWEB account. The API call has the additional functionality also to export metadata (Profile name, GPS location data, Agronomy lines, Root Zones and many more).

If you are interested in activating the free API call for a specific external service, please get in touch with your local AquaCheck Services distributor or contact us at


If you have any questions concerning this EOL notice, don't hesitate to get in touch with your local distributor or contact us

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